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Using the MMS FeatureUpdated 3 months ago

Hi everyone!

One of the various ways to import photos to your Photo Mosaic Wall activation is by having your guests text their photos directly to the software.

To use this feature, please open an account with and purchase a virtual number, capable of receiving MMS.

Note: This option is available for the USA and Canada only.

Once done, all you need to do is to copy and paste your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token and Enable MMS Monitoring. Ask your guests to text their photo to your Twilio number and that's it!


If you can't seem to receive photos, please check the following:

1. Make sure your activation is running.

2. Make sure that the Enable MMS Monitoring checkbox is checked.

3. Check your internet connection.

4. Make sure your Twilio account details (Account SID and Auth Token) are correct. Try to re-copy and paste your details from to the software.

5. Make sure you’re not using a Twilio trial account and that the number you purchased supports MMS sending.

6. You can check Twilio’s log of the incoming data to see if the messages were received.

    a. Dashboard > Phone numbers > Active number

    b. Click on the used number > Log > Incoming messages.

7. If you still haven't received the photos - try to stop the activation, save, and restart the software.

8. Disable\remove any Anti-Virus software that is installed on your computer. 

9. Try to connect to a different network and\or disable the firewall on your computer (sometimes the firewall is incorporated into the router).

10. Twilio limits file sending up to 5M. Check the size of the incoming photos and try to test the feature with a small photo file.

11. Try a new activation.

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