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How to Format Your USB Flash Drive to exFATUpdated 3 months ago

Hi everyone!

With your Selfie WiFi device, you have an option to save all of the files on a USB flash drive. The software will work with a specific format which is exFAT. This article will show you how to apply this kind of format to your USB flash drive.

1. Plug the USB flash drive into a USB port on your computer.

2. Open This PC and you'll see a new Drive added.

In this case, ours can be found as E: drive:

If you have files or any other information on this flash drive, you should back it up before continuing to the next step.

3. Right-click on the drive, (E:) > Format.

Once you have backed up all necessary info and are sure it is safe to proceed, right-click on the drive (E:) and select Format.

4.Capacity: Leave the default value selected.

File system: exFAT

Quick format: check this box (unless there have been issues with this specific USB flash drive in the past. In this case, please uncheck "Quick Format" and allow the full format to run to scan/repair for bad sectors).

Once completed, the USB flash drive is ready to be used!

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