Mosaic Photo QualityUpdated 2 months ago
The quality of the Mosaic Master Photo is measured by 2 parameters:
1. How the Final Photo looks, compared to the Master Photo that was loaded in the activation.
2. How each tile looks, comparing it to the photo from which it was diverted.
If we have a large number of tiles in our activation (for example, 100x100 grid board), we will be able to run our activation with a high Opacity percentage, include many different images, colors and details in our Main (Master)Photo, and create a Final Photo of good quality.
If we use a smaller grid board with a low number of tiles in our activation (for example, a 15x15 grid board), we will have to apply more manipulations on our activation in order to get a good result, even if we import photos that were taken around the same environment and conditions.
In such a case, there are several factors that we need to consider in order to create the best Final Mosaic Photo:
1. The larger the board, the more detailed your Master Photo can be.
2. Lowering the opacity percentage can compensate for the details in the Master Photo.
For example, a 75% opacity will be a great value for a large grid board and the Final Mosaic Photo will still look close to the Master Photo.
So are the recommended settings for your activation?
1. First of all - Test! Create a test activation that has all of the properties you're about to use in your event and disable the printing option. Once the activation is done, you can compare the Final Mosaic Photo to your Main Photo and see if you're happy with the result or if you wish to change any setting. Duplicate the activation and change the desired settings and test again, until you'll be happy with the final mosaic photo. You can also share it with your customer and use their feedback.
Note that you don't need to print your test activations, and you can also use the minimal time required (according to the Simulator tab), and import photos using a Twitter hashtag or manually drop a pool of photos directly to the Raw folder of the relevant activation.
2. Load a Master Photo that does not include many small details.
3. Use a large opacity value.
Check this article to read more tips on how to choose your Photo Mosaic Wall Photo.