How To Add Advertising To The Live Digital MosaicUpdated 3 months ago
Hi dear owners!
Did you know that you can add your advertisement files to be presented during your Live Digital Mosaic presentation? This article will show you how to do so with just a few simple steps!
The advertising content should be added to the folder “ads” under the Photo Mosaic Wall folder, in:
The supported file formats that can be used are PNG, JPG, MP4, and MOV.
Open the Live Digital Mosaic software and choose the activation you'd like to present from the drop-down menu.
Go to Advertising, check the "Show Ads" box, and set your ads' display duration settings:
- Display Interval: the time that the software will show the mosaic’s presentation (in seconds).
- Static Ads Duration: the time static images (jpeg & png) will be presented before showing the mosaic’s presentation again.
*Videos will be presented according to their own length
That is all! So easy!