How To Add Advertising To Your Virtual MosaicUpdated 3 months ago
Hi everyone!
This article will show you how you can easily present your ads during your Online Mosaic presentation. In order to do so, you will need to first embed the Online Mosaic URL on your website. Follow this article in order to do so: Embedding Virtual Mosaic Presentation On Your Website (using null
Note: This article shows an example of how you can include your ads with your embedded code, and you might need to make certain adjustments on your webpage per your existing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). If needed, please advise your web-developer.
Upload the ad you'd like to show (it can be both a photo and video ad) to your website and create a URL for it. Include the ad's URL in the "Ads_Demo" template attached to this article. Make sure to replace the relevant lines with your Online Mosaic URL and your Ad's URL. Make sure to include the quotation marks.
- You can change the Ads width and height values as you'd like.
- The time is typed in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 second).
Another option is to add a YouTube video as an ad. You can do so by including YouTube's video URL in the attached template ("VideoAds_Demo").
That's it! Very simple and very cool!