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Using The Layout TabUpdated 3 months ago

Hi all!

As of V4, you have the amazing option to design your print layout and decide how each lable\tile will look. This article will show you the new layout capabilities.

[Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube]


  • 1" = 300 pixels
  • The Photo element will be added automatically to your Layout - this is the tile.
  • To add the tiles' position (Column and Row number), press on the [T+] icon to add a test element and type {pos}. You can position it anywhere you'd like on your Layout. Press the [...] button to change the text's size, color, and font.
  • Press on the [QR] icon to add a QR code. Press on the [...] button to define the URL you'll be directed to once scanning the QR image.
  • To delete the different elements (deleting the tile photo element is not possible), press on the state on the left side and press Delete on the keyboard.
  • The layer at the bottom of the list on the left side will be the layer at the top of the visual editor on the right side, and vice versa. To change the order of the layers, you can simply drag and drop the states with the computer's mouse.

2x2" Label Layout:

1. Set the Layout WxH (Width and Height) to 600x600

2. Position the Main Photo at the desired location. If you want the tile to be placed on the entire label, it should look as in the photo below.

3. Add any other desired element (text, photo, or QR code) and place them as you'd like over the layout.

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