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How to Use PhidgetsUpdated 3 months ago

Hi all,

 Phidgets are another great way of setting yourself apart and utilizing everything the mirror has to offer! This guide will explain how to make it happen.

A Phidget is a small on-off (I/O) controller that can be incorporated into the workflow to trigger different devices. To use a phidget with the software, Please download Phidget control panel 21 and follow these steps:

1. Open the phidget controller and select the Web Service tab:

2. Make sure that the server ID and port correspond to the ones in the software under the Workflow tab -> phidgets feature -> settings icon

3. Click "Start" in the Phidget control panel.

4. To incorporate the Phidgets feature in the Workflow, click “add state”, choose the type “feature” and select the source “Phidgets 1014”. In the “Next State Trigger” column, select the switch you want to turn on when the Workflow reaches this state (you can select all four if you want). In order to turn the switch back off, add another state with “Phidgets 1014” and remove the selection from that switch in the “Next State Trigger” column.

Note: make sure that your phidget has a power source as it is necessary for it to work.

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