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Loading Animations From The Language PackUpdated 3 months ago

Hi everyone!

This article will show you how to use Foto Master's Language Pack and load different language animations into your workflow.

All the language pack animations can be found in your preset pack, once downloaded, at: C:\MirrorMeBooth\Animations\Languages_Packs 

The Language Pack contains animations in 14 different languages:

CN - Chinese (Mandarine) 

CZ - Czech

DE - German (Deutsch)

DU - Dutch 

FR - French 

HE - Hebrew

HU - Hungarian 

IT - Italian 

PT - Portuguese 

RO - Romanian

RU - Russian

SP - Spanish 

SR - Serbian

SV - Swedish

Every Language Pack animation has a language indication for its name. In the following workflow you can see we have Hebrew animations:

Changing an animation in the workflow:

Loading a different language animation to your workflow is done like with any other animation. Press on the browsing button of the existing Animation state (or add a new state) and load the animation in the desired language from the Languages_Packs folder.

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