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Using the 2D Mosaic - Upload Button and Email NotificationsUpdated 3 months ago

Hello hello!

V4 is bringing some great news -  allows your clients to upload their photos directly from your website and also get an email notification, telling them where their photo was located on the mosaic board.

Are you ready? Let's do it!

[Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube]

Step 1: Enable Online Mosaic:

  • The first thing we should do is to first allow the software to upload the photos to the cloud. To do that, go to the Online Tab and check the Enable Auto Upload to Cloud box. Now the software will start to upload your tiles one by one (you can see the upload status below).
  • Pressing on the Open 2D Interactive Mosaic\3D Mosaic Viewer button will open your online activation in a browser, where you can copy the activation's URL to share with your clients.

The photos that will be presented in the 2D Interactive Mosaic will be the original photos without the changes applied due to settings chosen (such as the Green Screen algorithm, Opacity, or Colorization Correction). If you wish to see the photo as it is printed, delete the useOrig=true value from the embed code.

*If you're applying any changes on your online activation, press the Generate Embed Code button.

Step 2: Enable Upload Button Monitoring:

Go to the Upload Button tab, and check the Enable Upload Button Monitoring box.

Show Embed Code: Check this box to present the upload form embed code. 

Enable Content Moderation: Check this box if you want to moderate the photos uploaded to the activation (this option is separated from the regular Moderation tab). If this option is enabled, you will see the Download button available for each new photo that was uploaded. Press on the Download button to allow this photo to be included in the activation.

Uploader Settings: Select which of the following will be available on the upload page: Title, Message, Name, Email, Opt-in (if you want to use the Notifications option, in Step 3, you will need to have the Email box checked).

Note: the Title, Message and Name will show only on the 2D Mosaic presentation.

Redirect URL: Select the URL to which the user will be redirected after uploading the photo to the online activation. We recommend including your 2D mosaic URL (from the Online tab or your website link) so your guest can see the activation.

Opt-in Text: If the Opt-in option is checked (under Uploader settings), a “Terms of use” box will be included in the upload form that the user will require to check in order to proceed. Type the wording you wish to be presented for this feature. To include a link to your terms of use, type the following: I agree to <a href="YourWebsite">privacy policy.</a>

Generate Embed Code: Click here to generate a code which you can embed the online mosaic presentation on your website (using <iframe> HTML Tag). To be used also if you are changing your selection in one or more of the above features.

Step 3: Enable Email Notifications:

This feature allows you to notify the user who uploaded their photo to the online activation to be notified via email with the activation information.

Make sure to have the Email box checked in the Upload Button tab.

1. In the Notifications tab, check the Notify User Via Email box.

2. Set your From Email, Subject, Message, and Email service (if you want to use your own Email PHP server, please check the user manual for further details and instructions).

You can include in the body of your email message the following codes to include certain activation information:

  • {name} - The user name as typed in the upload form (make sure the Name box is checked in the Upload Button tab).
  • {column} and {row} - The tile’s board position (C_R position)
  • {url} - 2D URL link
  • {url3 d} - 3D URL link
  • <br/> - Break row (Enter)


If you're using an iframe with your online activation and want to include the link for it in the notifications email while having the column and row values' number to match, you will need to put the iframe in a PHP file. You might need a web developer to help you with that.
Here is an example of how they should put the iframe in the php and transfer the column and row into the iframe:
Create a .php file with the following content:
$c = $_REQUEST['c'];
$r = $_REQUEST['r'];  
<iframe style='padding:0px;margin:0px;height:100%;width:100%;border: none;' id='inlineFrameExample' title='Inline Frame Example' src='{activation's original URL}<?php echo $c;?>&r=<?php echo $r;?> ' />

Customizing your Upload Form - Advanced*:

You can use either Upload Embed Code (a pre-designed form) or Form HTML Code. If you want to build your own upload form, you can copy and paste the code in Form HTML Code and style the uploader as you wish:

Mandatory parameters | Optional parameters 

  • pid // the license_id saved by the software
  • event_name // the software generates this as follows: timestamp-event name.
  • isName // show/hide the name input field (‘true’,’false’)
  • isEmail //  show/hide the email input field (‘true’,’false’)
  • isMessage //  show/hide the email text area field (‘true’,’false’)
  • redirectUrl //  after completing the form the page will refer to the redirectUrl (String)
  • isOptIn //  show/hide the opt-in checkbox & label field (‘true’,’false’)
  • optInTxt // if isOptin is ‘true’ will show this as a text of the optIn label (String)

*You might want to advise a web developer to issue this customization. 

Please find further details in the software user manual.

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