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How To Find Your Virtual Activation ID (When files do not exist locally)Updated 3 months ago

Hi everyone!

In this article, we will show you how simple it is to know which online activation is which in the Cloud tab even if the files do not exist locally.

The only thing that is required in order to do that is the URL of the online activation

Let's get started!

Step 1:

Open the URL in your browser and find the part in the link that is right after the event name - it will appear as numbers followed by a hyphen and the activation name and copy it

Step 2:

Open the MD5 Hash Generator (which can be found in this link) enter the name you copied from the URL in Step 1 and click to Generate.

The number that will appear under the MD5 Hash category is your online activation ID.

Step 3:

Open the Photo Mosaic Wall software, go to the Cloud tab and simply match the number you received in the MD5 Hash Generator with the number in the ID column.

Simple as that! now you know which activation it is and can decide if you wish to keep it or delete it from your cloud!

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