How To Use The Coupon CodeUpdated 3 months ago
Hi Everyone!
This article will teach you about the Coupon Code feature and how to use it.
By using the Coupon Code feature you can restrict access to certain parts of the workflow and make it so only those with a coupon code will be able to continue with the workflow and have access to those parts
For example, if you want only those with the coupon code to be able to print or text the photo
So how do we set this up?
In our example, we will set it so only those with the code will be able to finish the workflow and print their photo.
First, we will add a new feature to the Workflow and select the "Coupon Code" feature from the dropdown menu. As in our scenario, we want to showcase what the booth can do but I only want to provide prints to those with a code, I will place the feature before the "Print Copies" feature in my workflow.
Next, we will load our coupon code numbers. We'll do that by pressing on the settings icon for that feature in the Workflow tab. You can add the codes individually by using the field on the top left or we can copy and paste multiple codes in one go by clicking the "Bulk Add via Copy and Paste" option at the top right corner of the screen.
Once we added our coupon codes and clicked the "Save" button we can run our workflow.
If we at any point want to see if a code has been used we can go and check it by click on the settings icon of that feature in the workflow. Once a code has been entered the "Used" column changes to “true” and that code cannot be used again:
This information is also saved in the form of a CSV file in your Preset Pack the Events folder (This PC -> C: drive -> MirrorMeBooth -> Events).
In the CSV file, you will see the coupon number and if it was used or not.
And that's how you use the Coupon Code feature. Simple, isn't it?