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How To Send SMS From the CloudUpdated 3 months ago

Hi everyone! Now, in the new Foto Master Cloud, you can send SMS! No need to create a Twilio account, no need to rely on emails via carriers. All can be done via the Cloud!

So, how is it done? Very simple!

First, we'll start with the steps that are needed on the Foto Master Cloud:

1. Make sure that you have a Cloud account. If you don't have one yet, you can sign up here - Foto Master Cloud. 

* This feature requires the Basic plan or up

2. Once you are logged in, go to the Events tab and create your desired Event by clicking on the +New Event on the top right corner of the screen or go to an Existing event if you wish to use it.

3. Now that we know which Event we are using, we'll open it, navigate to the SMS option, and Enable it. If you don't enable it, it will not work.

4. After enabling the SMS option, you will be able to choose the "Phone Number Type" (can be Foto Master Phone number or, if you have the Pro Cloud Plan, your phone number - more information on how to do that can be found here)

Here, you can also select an SMS template. You can either use an existing template or choose "Custom" and write your own text.

In this tab, you can also see the SMS History and filter them via different statuses

Now, let's continue with what you need to do in the Foto Master Photo Booth Software

1.  Under the Events tab, select your desired Cloud Event. The Cloud Event is the event to which all the media that you select will be synced.

2. In the Settings tab -> Online Gallery, you can select which media you want to sync: Final Photo, Raw Photo, Video, and GIF (or any combination of these 4 options)

3. Also in the Settings tab -> SMS, make sure that you have the "Foto Master Cloud" selected in the Type.

Country Prefix: enter your country prefix. 

If you only write + instead of the full prefix that will mean that your guests will need to type it as well when typing their phone number.

4. Make sure to add the "SMS" feature to your workflow (make sure it is after the "Save Final Photo" feature).

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