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How To Use Your Own Number To Text From Cloud - AdvancedUpdated 2 months ago

Hi everyone! 

In our new Cloud, you can send SMS to your guests using Foto Master's phone number. But did you know that if you have the Pro Plan, you can also purchase your own phone number and use that one to send the texts?

In this article, we will explain how that can be done! so let's get started!

How to purchase a number

1. First, ensure you have a Pro Cloud plan as this feature is not available in the Basic or Pay As You Go plans.

2. Go to your Settings (click on the icon on the top left corner and select the Settings option)

3. In the Settings window, under the "General" tab, scroll down to the "Buy Numbers" section and select the country (and state if applicable) that you want your number to be from. Once selected you will be able to see the costs for each number and country. 

* Note the "One Time Fee" as well as "Monthly Price" for each number ("Monthly Price" is billed annually). Those charges will be shown in the Activity tab as well

Once you find the number you would like to buy, press "Claim".

You will be able to see your purchased number under the "My Numbers" section in the General tab.

Note that there are documents that are needed for different countries:

* For the USA and Canada, you will need to submit a 10DLC campaign. The information required can be found in the 10DLC tab on this Settings page. There is a yearly payment for such campaign verification. The verification process can take up to a week.

* For some countries it will require submitting different documents within a specific amount of time from purchase.

Here is an example for an Australian number - documents need to be submitted within 2 days of the number purchase:

You will see which documents are needed once the number is purchased. In the My Numbers section, you will see the option to "Submit Documents"

Pressing on that button will open a window with all the needed information to be filled:

How to use the new number

1. Go to the "Events" tab and create your desired Event by clicking on the +New Event on the top right corner of the screen or go to an Existing event if you wish to use it.

2. Now that we know which Event we are using, we'll open it, navigate to the SMS option, and Enable it. If you don't enable it, it will not work.

3. After enabling the SMS option, you will be able to choose the "Phone Number Type" - here is where you select "My Phone Number" and select the phone number you purchased (if you have more than one number you will see all of them and be able to select the desired number)

4. Once the number is selected you can select an SMS template. You can either use an existing template or choose "Custom" and write your text.

 * In the FMBooth for Windows software

Once logged in, under the Events tab you need to select your desired Cloud Event. The Cloud Event is the event to which all the media that you select will be synced.

Navigate to the Settings tab -> Online Gallery, you can select which media you want to sync: Final Photo, Raw Photo, Video, and GIF (or any combination of these 4 options)

In the Settings tab -> SMS, make sure that you have the "Foto Master Cloud" selected in the Type.

Country Prefix: enter your country prefix. 

If you only write + instead of the full prefix that will mean that your guests will need to type it as well when typing their phone number.

* Make sure to add the "SMS" feature to your workflow (make sure it is after the "Save Final Photo" feature).

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