Draw on Burst Video FeatureUpdated 2 months ago
Hi owners!
This article will show you how to use the very cool Draw on Burst Video feature! Get ready to share some amazing creations!
To use this feature, you will need to prepare a workflow with the Burst Video feature and Draw on Burst Video. Make sure to also add Live View Start\Stop feature states while the Burst Video is being recorded.
Here's a workflow for example:
1. In the Workflow tab, set your Burst Video feature settings by clicking on the settings icon in that feature row. This feature will use the camera’s frame capture and will create a video from it.
Time: Set the recording time in milliseconds.
Frames Per Second: Choose the frame rate of the video recording.
Recording Animation: You can run an animation while recording a video. You can use a recording animation from the Video_Animations folder (located in C:\MirrorMeBooth\Video_Animations) or add a .png file with your logo.
Show Live View: Enable a live-view presentation of your video recording.
Enable Soundtrack: Add a media file of the soundtrack you want to add to your video recording.
Enable Record Audio: Check this box to add a sound recording to the video.
Merge Audio and Video: Syncs audio and video tracks into one file (This file is saved under the event’s folder → final videos).
Output WxH: Set the size of the video file (The max. size for DSLR is 960 x 640). The default size is 720X480 (Note: It is not recommended to save a larger file when planning to share the file via MMS, as some carriers may limit the received files).
Number Of Loops in Video: Set the number of times you would like the video to loop in the saved file.
Add Boomerang Effect: Check this box to add a Boomerang effect by adding the same frames - in reverse - to the .MP4 file. This Effect will double the length of your video file.
Trigger Next State on Saved Video: Enable this option to wait for the video file to save to the folder before continuing to the next state.
2. To set your Live View settings, go to the Settings tab > Canon and enable Override Camera settings.
Mirror Photo Booth Live View settings
Retro Photo Booth Live View settings
3. Draw on Burst Video Settings: Go to the Workflow tab, find your Signature or Draw feature, and press the settings icon in that row.
In "Signature WxH" - set the drawing surface.
Note: The signature width and height cannot be bigger than 690px when using Draw on Burst Video.
In The Stamps Directory, you can load regular (static) stamps or animated stamps: