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How to Add a QR Code to Your Printed PhotoUpdated 2 months ago

A QR Code is a URL barcode. Once scanned with a Scanning App, the user is redirected to this URL in their phone’s browser app.

This URL can be either a static URL (defined by you) - for example - your website/Facebook page or a dynamic URL (at the end of which there is a parameter in the form of the file name saved on your computer). It will allow the users to share their photos/video during (or after) the event from their own smartphones/tablets by using any QR scanning app.

There are two main ways to use a dynamic URL:
1. We have a built-in integration with PicPic Social event cloud for photo hosting and sharing. When using PicPic Social app, scanning the QR code will redirect the user to the location of their photo in the created ‘Microsite’. The user will then be able to share the photo on social media (even after the event).

2. You can upload the photos to your server and create a URL per image to achieve the same result.
For example: http://{your_domain}/{your_script}.php?q={photo_name}
Note: The full URL depends on the type of media uploaded and the settings selected in the features settings. 
Example: {QRCODE_URL}{/ OR ?q=}{ .mp4 OR 
.jpg OR [NOTHING]}

Here is how you can use it in your preset (Static URL)

Add the QR code to your final photo, by adding the QR element in the Layout tab:

You can adjust the QR code size and location on the final photo, just as any other element in the Photo Layout.

By clicking on the [...] of the QR Code element you will be able to control its settings:

In this case, once the QR Code is scanned, it will be directed to the final photo which was uploaded to the Cloud Event Gallery. You can also direct it to the Gallery in general in the "Link To" section.

If you wish scanning the code will lead to a designated website, change the Type to "Custom" and enter the website in the QR Code URL:

In this case, once the barcode is scanned, it will direct us to the Foto Master website (as inserted in the QR Code URL)

This is how our final photo will look like:

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