How To Create Your Own WorkflowUpdated 2 months ago
Hello everyone!
In this article, we're going to demonstrate how to create your own custom workflow.
Navigating the screens
Before we get started, let's take a quick tour of how to navigate to the workflow tab.
1. Press on the Back button at the top left corner in order to see all the available screens
2. Select the workflow tab screen.
In the FMBooth app, you will find several premade workflows and each of them is different and the fun part? you can edit the workflow according to your liking!
Even better - you can utilize your creative mind, and create your own workflow from scratch!
You can also duplicate an existing workflow by simply swiping the workflow to the left and clicking the "Copy" icon.
To delete a workflow, swipe right on the workflow you wish to delete and click the delete icon - simple as that.
Buttons Directory
Here are the general buttons you will notice once you are editing your workflow:
Bidirectional Arrow
Allows you to move states around the workflow. Useful when you want to change the placement of an animation.
+Add State
As the name suggests, it allows you to add states in your workflow.
A State can be a feature, an animation, or an animation list.
Allows you to save all the changes you have made in your workflow
Will run the workflow that is currently loaded in the preset.
Workflow Options
When creating a workflow from scratch we need to add different elements so we can interact with the software.
Those elements are called States and we have 3 types and those three will be your tools to design your workflow:
When selecting features, it allows you to interact with the software by indicating the type of action you want the software to execute.
There are numerous features you can add to the workflow and here are just a few of them (a full list can be found in the App Manual):
- Capture Photo – When selected, a photo will be captured by the iPad's camera.
- Draw on Final Photo – This allows you to draw on the final photo (sign your name, draw and add emojis)
- Email – allows you to send the final photo to your guests via email
- LED Start/Stop – When selected, the LED light will turn on with the selected color or will turn off
- Print Copies – Allows your guests to print the final photo and choose how many copies to print
When selected, you can choose numerous animations for different purposes and we have divided them into categories to make it easier.
Some of the categories are "Countdown, Compliment, Touch to Start, etc.
Animations Lists
When selected, you can insert multiple animations in one state, and in each session, a different animation from that list will appear.
Once you are satisfied with your own custom workflow, make sure to tap the Save button and head back to the Dashboard screen so we can run our workflow.
Choose the preset you wish to run to and add the newly created workflow to it, hit Save, and then begin running the workflow by clicking the Play button.
Creating Custom Workflow
Now let's create our workflow!
- Tap the "+Add Workflow" button at the bottom left corner and click to see the newly added workflow.
- By tapping the pencil icon at the top right corner you can edit the name of your workflow.
- Press the "+Add State" button at the bottom left corner to add a new line and select the type you wish it to be (Feature, Animation, or Animation List)
- Keep adding new lines until you have everything that you want to create the desired experience for your client
The basic workflow that we just created has the following flow:
* The LED light will turn on with the Rainbow pattern
* The Live View will turn on
* The guest will touch the iPad screen to start
* The LED will change colors from Rainbow to solid Blue
* An animation for getting ready to take a photo will be displayed
* There will be a countdown
* A photo will be captured
* The LED light will flash
* The LED light will turn on with the White color
* Compliment animation will be displayed
* There will be a preview of the photo we just took
* The photo will be printed
* The LED will change color from White to Yellow
* An animation explaining that the photo is being printed will be displayed.
Don't forget to click on the Save button to save all the changes
That’s it! It is that simple and you can always do your own customization as you like! Stay creative!