Sharing To Social Platforms From the CloudUpdated 2 months ago
Hi all!
In this article, you will learn how to share your photos on different Social Platforms directly from the Foto Master Cloud!
Let’s start with the settings we need to apply to our Foto Master Cloud account:
The first thing that you will need is to create an Event in your Foto Master Cloud account (for information on how to do that, please check this article).
Once you have your selected Event, you will need to go to the Gallery tab and enable the Gallery Access as well as the Show Social Buttons option.
When enabling the Show Social Buttons option, you will see all the different social platforms to which you will be able to share your photo/video.
You can select any combination of those options according to your preference.
The available options are:
Facebook, Twitter, Email, WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, Linkedin, Weibo, and Viber.
Now, let’s check the settings in the FMBooth for Windows software:
Go to the Events option, and there you will be able to see all of your Cloud Events in the drop-down menu and select the relevant Cloud event
In the Settings tab -> Online Gallery, select which media you would like to sync to your gallery: Final Photo, Raw Photo, Video, and GIF (or any combination of them) for the Online Gallery.
Next, we will need to make sure that our guests can be directed to our Gallery.
We do that by using the QR Code option.
First, we’ll set its settings by going to the Workflow Tab > QR Code feature state and pressing the settings icon.
Here we will also select the options so they will be:
Type: Cloud
Link To: Gallery or Media (if you select “media” you )
If you choose Gallery, scanning the QR code will lead you to the Gallery in general. That way the guests can see everyone’s photo and search for their own.
If you choose Media, you can select the Media Type (Final Photo, Video, or GIF) and by scanning the QR Code they will be directed to the photo itself (you can enable the option to show the Back to Gallery button in the Cloud account so they will be able to go back and see everyone’s photos and not just their own)
The feature can be added at the beginning of the workflow (even before a photo is being taken
In the Workflow tab, we can place the QR Code feature towards the end of the workflow - after the photo is taken and saved - or, it can be placed at the beginning of the workflow
* If we add it at the beginning of the workflow when we scan it, no photo will be shown (if it’s directed to the Media specifically - as no photo was taken yet). However, the page will refresh once the photo is uploaded.
If the QR Code is directed to the Gallery it does not matter if it’s at the beginning or the end of the workflow as the Gallery already exists.
And this is how it looks, once I scanned my QR Code, I was directed to my Media, and here is what the Social Sharing options look like. They will appear at the bottom of the photo: