Hi everybody!

From version 1.1.7 there is no need to create multiple presets in order to provide your clients with different experiences! Now you can create one workflow and include Random Animations state! With this feature, every time you start the preset, a different animation from the folder you made will be selected and played.

Are you ready for it? Let's begin!

[Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube]


Step 1: Prepare your animations list:

In your preset pack, create a new folder and copy the animation files you want to include in the Random Animation state. We recommend doing that per category, for example, Compliment, Touch to Start, etc.

* You can duplicate the animations and move them to the desired folder.

* You can select the animations > More > New Folder with X Items.

Step 2: Prepare your workflow:

The following example will demonstrate how to use the Random Animation feature for the Touch To Start screen. 

1. Select the desired state type - R. Animation

2. Brows to the animations folder you have prepared (in this case - XXXXX)

3. Save

So now, every time we will start this preset, a different Touch To Start animation will be presented! Of course, you can build your preset with as many Random Animation states as you'd like, at any stage in the workflow.

And... that's it! So simple!