Hi everyone!

In this article, we will explain how to use the White Label option in your Foto Master Cloud account. When using the White Label option you can customize the URL of your online gallery and personalize emails sent through our platform. With White Labeling, every link, email, SMS, QR code, and sharing option will prominently feature your brand’s identity

Note: White Label is only available in the Pro Cloud account

So let's get to it!


Verifying Your Domain

The first thing that you need to do is to log on to your Cloud account and go to your Settings -> White Label

Next, click on "+New Domain" and enter your domain name. Once done, click "Add".

Make sure that the domain is not added with "www" at the beginning.

Once the domain is added, you will see it in the list with the status of "Pending".

Next, press the "Verify" button to see the information you will need to add on your domain side.

For example:

For this article we used www.godaddy.com, so when you log in there click on "Add More Records".

"Type" - Copy the Type that appears in the Cloud (for example "CNAME" in the photo above)

"Name" - Enter the name from the Host list, according to the "Type" (for example, the first option in the photo above will be "gallery")

"Value" - Enter the information that is appearing under the Data column (according to the Type)

"TTL" - enter the lowest time amount possible in the list

So, for example, if we add the first row it will be:

CNAME  -  gallery  -  cloud.fotomaster.com.  - time amount

* Note that in GoDaddy you need to enter a dot at the end of the "Value"

Once you are done with inputting everything on your domain side, go back to your Cloud account - Settings and press the "Verify" button once more, followed by the "Done" button.

The system will verify the details and once it is verified you will be able to use it

* The verification process should take several minutes.

Applying the White Label

Go to your selected Cloud Event -> White Label tab and enable the White Label

Once enabled, you can select your Gallery domain/RL Settings (if you have more than one)

Other options to customize are:

"Email Reply-To": if someone chooses to reply back to the email sent, to which address it will send it

"Email From Name": the name you'd like to appear as the sent email

"Email From Prefix": the name you'd like to have the email to appear from

For example, I entered my "Email Reply-to" as [email protected], entered the "Email From Name to be "John" and entered the "Email From Prefix" to be Support.

The result is that the email will seem to be sent from John < [email protected]> and if they press to reply to the email it will be emailed to [email protected] (as can be seen in the photo above)

And that's it! you are all set!