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Photo\Printing OrientationUpdated 3 months ago

Photos are sideways on the final Preview

The FMBooth software coordinates with the camera's physical rotation. If the photos appear sideways on the preview, that means you need to either change how your camera is mounted or select a preset with a layout that matches your camera's orientation.

Check your DSLR values and see if the DSLR elements in the layout tab are mounted correctly:

The camera's mount corresponds to the Layout, but the photos are upside down

  1. Open the options menu (Ctrl+O).
  2. Go to the Layout Tab.
  3. Rotate your DSLR element manually (You will need to drag the DSLR state to the bottom of the list on the left side to scale the element). You can either use the top square, and use the mouse, or change the Angel value of the DSLR photo element:

The Raw Preview of the photo is sideways

  1. Open the options menu (Ctrl+O).
  2. Features Tab.
  3. Change the camera's orientation in the Settings tab > Canon (0 for horizontal photo and 270/90 for sideways photo):

The photos are printed in the wrong orientation \ stretched:

If the photo you printed doesn't come out at the right orientation and seems distorted, changing the print orientation will fix that.

  1. Open the options menu (Ctrl+O).
  2. WorkflowTab.
  3. Print Copies feature state.
  4. Change the Print Orientation from landscape to portrait or the other way around.

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