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Working With the KeyFob Feature (Remote Control) and PairingUpdated 3 months ago

Hi guys,

The Key Fob is an accessory that allows you to perform selected actions remotely, without having to open the software's options menu, such as: re-print, restart the workflow, skip a state, and more. The Key Fob functions are customizable, and you can choose a function for each button separately. 

Here's a short video demonstrating what the key-fob can do:


[Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube]

Setup Instructions:

1. Connect the Key-Fob to your computer.

2. Make sure it's Connected By opening Control Panel -> Devices and Printers:

3. In the software, go to the Globals tab > Key Fob and check the "Enable Key Fob" box.

4. Make sure that the "Auto Detect Com Port" box is checked For the software to automatically detect The COM port that the device is connected to. 

5. Select the function that you would like each key to perform when clicked. 

Don't have a Key Fob yet? Order one today!

In the package:

  • Remote Control
  • Receiver
  • World Wide Shipping

Pairing Your KeyFob:

Items needed:

  • KeyFob device + Remote
  • Micro USB cable
  • Pin

Instructions (video below)*:

1. Connect the KeyFob to the computer using a micro USB cable (it can be connected either directly to the computer or to a USB hub).

2. Once the KeyFob is connected and receives power from the USB port, you will see the red LED light blink once.

3. To pair\re-pair the remote and the sensor, press once on the sensor's reset button using a pin. 

4. Right after pressing the reset button, press on any button on the remote for two seconds (you will see the red LED light flashing rapidly) and release.

Please note: After pressing the reset button, the sensor scans for a remote for 5 seconds.

5. Wait until you see the red LED light blink 3 times again.

That's it! Your KeyFob is now paired! 

[Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube]

*If the remote is not working during normal use, and the red LED light is flashing rapidly, it means that the remote and sensor are not fully paired. Please repeat the pairing process.

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