Enabling 2-inch Cut Printer SettingUpdated 3 months ago
Hi owners!
This article will show you how to enable the 2-inch cut option on your printer, to print two 2x6 strips.
You can enable the 2-inch cut option for your printer, as is; but you can also create a virtual copy of your printer, and enable the 2-inch cut to it. The latter will allow you to have two separate printer settings, while using the same printer.
Enabling 2-inch cut for the recognized printer:
1. First, make sure that your printer is installed and prints from the control panel. In this article, we will use a DNP DS-RX1 printer.
Go to the Control Panel > Devices and Printers.
2. Right-click on the printer icon and select Printer Preferences.
3. Select "Advanced" and Enable the 2inch cut in the Strips printer:
Enabling 2-inch cut for a virtual copy of your printer:
If you want to print 2x6 alongside 4x6 with the same printer, check the Using Strips Presets alongside 4x6 Presets in the Multi Presets Selection article.
Creating a virtual Copy:
1. First, make sure that your printer is installed and prints from the control panel. In this article, we will use a DNP DS-RX1 printer.
Go to the Control Panel > Devices and Printers.
2. Click on Add a printer and on the new window that opens, click on The printer
3. On the Find a Printer by Other options window that will open, select Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings, and click Next.
4. Select the existing USB Virtual printer port:
5. Select Use the driver that is currently installed:
6. Name your printer (it can be any name that you want, we named it DS-RX1 (Photostrips)) and click Next.
Enabling 2-inch Cut:
1. Once the process above is complete, right-click on the existing printer in the Control Panel, and you will see you have two virtual printer copies you can work with:
2. Go to Printer Preferences > select your photo strips printer (or the virtual copy you'd like to enable the 2-inch cut to)
3. Select "Advanced" and Enable the 2inch cut in the Strips printer: