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How To Use The SMS FeatureUpdated 2 months ago

Hi everyone,

In this article, we will show you how to use your Twilio account with Foto Master's FMBooth software.

1. Create a Twilio account and purchase a virtual number via

2. Add an SMS feature state to your workflow, make sure that it's after the "Save Final Photo" state.


In the Global Settings screen, enter your Twilio account details:

Twilio SID: Enter your Twilio Account SID.

Twilio Token: Enter your Twilio Authentication token

Prefix: Set your international calling code.

From Phone: Enter your Twilio number (no spaces or special characters included).

Service URL: Enter the URL of your PHP server (check the User Manual for more details).

Message: A short text that will accompany the photo.

Send Photo/Video: Enable if wish to send the Photos and Videos.


Enable Disclaimer: Enable this option to present a disclaimer preview prior to the SMS feature screen and type in the desired disclaimer content.

Data Collection: This option allows you to collect the users' phone numbers while using the FMBooth application during your event. You can choose between the “Collect” option, the “User Consent” option, and the “Do Not Collect” option. If you select “User Consent”, another checkbox will be added to the disclaimer

Twilio applies a 5MB file limitation when sending MMS messages. If you file is bigger than 5MB, consider using the SMS option, which will send a link to your phone to download the file.


That's it, all set!

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