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Using the Photo LayoutUpdated 2 months ago

Hi all!

In this article, we will learn how to use the Photo Layout and customize it.

Ready? Let's go!

What is the Photo Layout?

The photo layout screen consists of a list of different photo layout designs and you can create new ones or duplicate and edit existing ones.

To view and edit a specific Photo Layout simply tap on its name and inside it, you can add and change the different visual elements. 

Visual Elements

  • Workflow Photo

This is the photo that the iPad will capture when the Capture Photo feature state will be
reached in the Workflow.

In the Photo Layout screen, you can adjust its location, size, and fill mode, add a regular filter or a hair filter, and a background filter by pressing the Settings icon on the right side of the elements row.

  • External Image

You can add a background or a foreground image (either provided by us or add your own custom image).

Simply press on the Settings icon and choose the one you want to upload and then you will see a preview of that file at the top part. You can also change its opacity if wanted.

Supported formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG

  • Text

     You can add text that will appear on your Final Photo and decide where it will be placed. By pressing the Settings icon you can change the writing, font, color, and more.

  • Signature

The Signature element is used when you have the Signature feature in your workflow and in the Photo Layout you can decide where it will end up on the Final Photo and its size.

  • QR Code

By adding a QR Code element, it will appear on your Final Photo and you can control where scanning it will lead by pressing on the Settings icon.

Order Of Elements

The order of elements works as a layers system.

When an element is at the top of the list, it means that it is actually at the back of the layout editor (and might be covered by other elements) and vice versa - if it's at the bottom of the list it means that it is at the front.

You can easily change the order of the elements by clicking the arrows icon (at the bottom left corner) and then pressing on the hamburger icon at the end of the row of the element you would like to change and dropping it when it is where you want it to be.


Don't forget to click save to save all the changes!

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